About Us
We started our journey in 2013 In New Delhi, India. A very busy city and melting point for distinct cultures and history. Amidst the 16 million people was a deaf artist Amit who loved the art history of Delhi and was often seen creating art pieces while travelling on metro and bus. He although enjoyed the process but was always distressed with the lack of opportunities for his community.
Amit accidentally met smriti ( our founder ) at a market and started conversing with her in Indian Sign Language- Amit is Deaf and he uses Sign language to communicate. He urged Smriti to find a better job for him as Smriti was part of deaf community from very long time, being a news anchor for sign language news to being born in a family with deaf elder siblings- Smriti was very much part of the community from an early age of 16.
She started Atulyakala at the age of 23 with a very clear vision - Inclusivity and opportunities.
This is how it all started, the brand pivoted after few years and now is India's first deaf run lifestyle brand. The brand consists of 90% deaf team members with Sign language as the mode of communication. Each department from Design to the sales are managed by team members who are deaf and mute.
We believe in letting our hands so the talking and works towards making this country more inclusive for the 18 million Deaf people who reside in India. We dream big and we take invite you to join us in this beautiful journey of spreading happiness.